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20220915 tyre unspalsh

Tyre is a strong, flexible rubber casing attached to the rim of a wheel. Tires provide a gripping surface for traction and serve as a cushion for the wheels of a moving vehicle. Tires are found on automobile s, trucks, buses, aircraft landing gear, tractors and other farm equipment, industrial vehicles such as forklifts, and common conveyances such as baby carriages, shopping carts, wheel chairs, bicycles, and motorcycles.

car brake rotor

Brake pads are perhaps the most important safety feature in our cars, so it’s vital to understand them. Here are few points to know about your vehicle's brake pads.

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Shop for auto parts from our large collection of quality spare parts in Ghana. Use the search button to help you find what you are looking for faster or you can contact us on WhatsApp, Facebook and Phone on this number: 0579794415.

car batteries 1

A car battery is an integral part of any vehicle and as such, it is important to have the best quality inside yours. We have a variety of quality brands for you to choose from.

About Us

AJO Autoparts and Hardware is your number one stop shop in Ghana for auto spare parts and accessories. We deal in the popular brands of auto makers and give you the convenience of shopping ...


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AJO Auto Parts

Mensah Sarbah Hall Annex A,

UG - Legon.
Engineer Contact: +233 597 670 448 

Office Contact:+233 276 761 092